My Thoughts and Ramblings on Why Your Logo Shouldn’t Suck - Part Two
The other day, an ad popped up on my Facebook feed that said…
“Make a Logo in Ten Minutes. Design a Logo Fast & in Real Time. Use Code FACEBOOK for 25% off $24! It’s Fast & Easy!”
I experienced several emotions over the next 20 seconds…
from laughter,
to anger,
to sadness,
to curiosity.
My curiosity won out and I went to to generate a logo in ten minutes. It actually took about two minutes (so, you guys should edit your schpeel, Tailor Brands!). While the logo that popped out wasn’t horrible, I couldn’t help but wonder how long it would be until my fictional bagel shop would encounter a competitor in the business who had the same logo generated for their business. (I mean, there were only about ten bagel illustrations that popped up as options for my little faux bagel biz. And only a couple of those were decent enough to maybe possibly consider using as options if I knew how to make a bagel…and had a bagel shop…and didn’t care if my logo of choice was duplicated across the country filled with bagel shops.) See where I’m going here?
Great, effective logos take time. They are the products of hours upon hours of personal research, collaboration, conversation, sketching, compositing, designing, and tweaking. They’ll cost quite a bit more than “25% off $24”, but, take my word, you’ll be happier with the end result and you’ll be spared the potential catastrophe of having “your” logo branded on your competitor’s store front or business card. #ohthetragedy